Thursday, December 27, 2018

Enough is enough.

You are enough.
You have enough.

More isn't better.
More is often merely the same thing, again and again.

By setting limits on what you'll own,
who you will spend your time with,
and where you will put your energy,
you will create time and space for the life you want to live.

Enough really is enough!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

That was then. This is now.

Yup, you used to wear a size 8.
Now you don't.

You used to bake 48 cupcakes at a time.
Now you don't.

You used to to scrapbook.
Now you don't.

You used to decorate every room for the holidays.
Now you don't.

That was then.
This is now.

Donate the clothes that don't fit,
the kitchen equipment you haven't touched in years,
the paper, ribbon, buttons and special scissors,
the bins of decorations taking up valuable space
in the garage.

Trust that if you need some other clothes,
another cookie sheet, some fairy stickers,
or a stuffed snowman you have the ability to
get those items.

Create space for the things you need, use
love, and value in the life you're living today.

Live simply in the here and now.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Maybe the life you want...

Maybe the life you want
is buried underneath all the stuff you own........

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Math problem

Is ten, ten times as good as one?
  No, it's one ten times over. 

How many is enough?

How many do you want to spend your money on?
Find room to store?
Spend time maintaining?
Create a display system for?
Have to choose between?

Limiting your stuff simplifies your life.

Small amounts are easier to manage and
make space for a bigger life.

Your choices create your life.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Focus on what you are keeping.

Stop worrying about what you are donating, giving away, recycling or throwing in the trash.

Those black jeans never fit or were flattering.
You are never going to read that book your aunt gave you.
You didn't like that art when it hung in your parent's house,
  you should never have brought it into yours.
How many cupcake pans are enough?
Those sheets are thin and the towels stained.
Someone else does the gardening.

Keep your attention on the things you are keeping.

You love that black sweater and it looks great on you.
You've read that book three times. and will read it three more.
Your mom's vintage coffeepot made a great lamp base.
Twelve cupcakes should cover all your party needs.
(You get the idea.)

You are letting go of the things you no longer use, love or value.
Choose to keep the things that make your life easier,
that fit comfortably in the space you have,
and give your home a feeling of comfort and calm.

Let go and move on.
(Oh, and don't limit yourself to just the physical stuff.......)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Look around.

Take a long slow look around your house.
All that clutter?
It used to be money.


Those decisions have been made.
If you want different results;

make different choices.
One at a time.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Out of your head

Saying things out loud can be powerful.
And illuminating.
And helpful.
And funny.

Voicing why you're keeping something often
helps you realize you don't really need it any longer.
Putting into words the value you've attached to an item
helps you determine what it's worth in the life you lead now.
Saying out loud what has only been a vague rumbling in the back of your mind
lowers the power of an object.

The next time you're decision challenged,
say out loud (even if you're all alone) your why,
your justification, your reasonings and see if
your perspective shifts and there is clarity.

Maybe you'll decide to keep the item,
perhaps you'll see it's time to let it go.

Be okay with whichever decision you make.
Move on.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What are you waiting for?

The perfect containers?
A bigger closet?
Losing ten pounds?
The beginning of a new month?
More money?
More time?

Stop letting perfection,
or a different place
or a new you,
or a bigger pile of money
keep you from have a less cluttered,
more organized life.

Start where you are with what you have.

Spend ten minutes today sorting one shelf.
Clearing out one drawer.
Dealing with today's mail.

Do you need it?
Does it live here or somewhere else?
Donate?  Recycle?  Trash?

What remains store like with like.
The things you use most often
get best access.

If eventually you find perfect containers,
have a bigger closet, lose ten pounds,
or have more money; you will already
be organized and all that will just
be a bonus.

Even a small step in the right direction is movement.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I found this quote on the Tiny Buddha site,
“Turn your focus from something don’t want to something you do want. This allows you to shift your energy from complaining to taking action.”

This suggestion can apply in many areas of our lives and especially when it comes to dealing with clutter.
By not getting caught in the endless and berating stories of
“My house is such a disaster, I’m so disorganized, and the kid’s rooms are a mess.”

Begin to articulate what it is you do want.
Find my keys when I need them, sit at the table and have dinner as a family, have the kid’s rooms be reasonably tidy. 

Stop using your thoughts and energy to complain, and start taking action.

Bemoaning your lack of organization isn’t helpful-to you or the situation. Designating a specific place for your keys to live and putting them there every time you come home,
is a positive action, and good use of your energy.
Setting up a place to deal with the mail, (instead of piling it on the table), is a specific action that will leave the table clear for family dining.
Spending ten minutes before bed helping your kids put away their toys is an action that will lead to their rooms being reasonably tidy.

Choose one spot in our house that you feel is ‘cluttered’.
Think of three actions you could take to clear the space.
Small, easy actions: Toss a paper into recycle, take something to the other room where it has a home, throw something away. 

Use your energy to act.
See the results.......

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Give up on yourself

"Give up on yourself. 
Begin taking action now, while being neurotic or imperfect, or a procrastinator, or unhealthy, or lazy, or any other label by which you inaccurately describe yourself.
Go ahead and be the best imperfect person you can be and get started on those things you want to accomplish before you die."   Shoma Morita

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

One breath

Right here, right now, take one slow in breath.
Slowly let that one breath out.

Just for this moment, let go of your mental list:
The shoulds,
could haves,
and if only.
Why don't I?
Why didn't they?
It's not enough.
It's all too much.
I'm overwhelmed.
I'm under acknowledged.
I'm unworthy.
I need.
They want.
Where should I start?
How can I stop?

Put down the stick you use to beat yourself up.
Lower the bar you never seem to meet.

Practice letting go.
(And trust me, it is a practice........)

See if in your breath you can find a tiny bit of space
just to be right here.
And have that be enough.

Because letting go of even a tiny bit of the mental clutter
is how you practice letting go of the other clutter in your life.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

That sneaky Justin

I've mentioned Justin Case before.
Many times!

Justin Case I need this receipt.
Justin Case I need a back up back up stapler.
Justin Case I decide to watch this VCR tape.
Justin Case I find the mates to all these single socks.

How much space does Justin Case get for storage at your house?
And why does an imaginary guy get any space?!?

You feed Justin with your worries:
What if I lose ten pounds?
What if I decide to start playing tennis again?
What if I need a service for twelve of fine china?

IF any of those things were to happen,
and you'd let the clothes, racket and plates go-
you'd figure out a solution.
You're a smart and capable problem solver.
You have resources.
Trust your own abilities.

Let Justin's things go.
In fact, let Justin go!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Why, not what.

It isn't about how many you have, or what you own.
It's about why you have it......

Consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously at some point you made a decision about every single item and person you have in your home and life.

Perhaps it's time to reconsider, evaluate, prioritize and give serious consideration to who and what surrounds you.

It's okay to change your mind,
let some things go, and
focus in a different direction.

Lead a more conscious and thoughtful life.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

It's over

Admit it.

You're over playing golf.
Let the clubs go.
You're never going to have 12 people for dinner.
Give away the set of dishes for 15.
It's over between you and the crock pot.
And the specialty cake pans.
And the spike heels.

That was then.

This is now.

Move forward.

Make space in the garage, the cabinets,
and the closet for the life you live right now.

Let your home reflect what's important to you
and how you want to spend this one precious life.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The basics.

An organized life is a simpler, easier life.

Achieving a more organized home depends on remembering
 a few key ideas.

One in.  One out.
Store like with like.
How many is enough.
That was then.  This is now.
If you can do it in less than two minutes:
  Do it now.

Habits and systems make the mechanics of daily living
  more automatic and save time and energy.
This week, try focusing on just one of these ideas.
  Before you buy something ask  yourself what you're
  willing to let of that you already own.
  Gather like items that are spread about your house
  and store them together-where you use them.
  Ask yourself how many ____________ do I really need?
  More isn't better, it's just more.....
  What are you holding onto from a life you no longer lead?
    Sports equipment?  Hobby supplies?  Clothes that don't fit?
  Don't put things down, put them away.

You can do this.
One decision at a time.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Acquiring abundance

"Abundance isn't something you acquire.
It's something you tune into."  Maria Stenvinkel

Enough is abundance.
Anything more than what you need is just clutter and excess.

Value the items you have.
Nurture your relationships.

If what you have now isn't satisfying;
why do you think one, two or ten more will be?

Turn your attention to what you already have.
Let your gratitude create a sense of abundance.

May your heart be full.