Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Because less clutter means less stress.
Because being more organized means 
 I have more time to relax.
Because being organized opens up space and time to spend with people who make me laugh.
Because routines and habits make it easier to 
 deal with the unexpected.
Because less clutter means I'm not so overwhelmed.
Because kids mimic adults,
  and learning to be organized when you're a kid 
  is easier than learning when you're an adult.

Because I really do want to have a simple, abundant life.

I know it all comes down to the choices I make.
I'm choosing less, in order to have more.

And you?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Permission granted.

If you've been waiting to donate the not your style clothing gift,
or the tea cups from your grandmother,
or the wedding gift you've never used,
or clear the file cabinet of papers from five years ago,
the garage of sports equipment that you paid a lot of money for, or toss sale food from the pantry that you know you'll never eat,
or a pile of your child's art work-
Please, go ahead.
Permission granted.

If you thanked the giver, 
if you know your grandmother isn't the tea cups,
you have no intention of every making waffles,
you've long since broken the small appliance that you've saved the warranty for,
your schedule doesn't have room for tennis or golf or even croquet,
you now realize the bargain Costco multi pack didn't mean you'd eat it,
and that just because your child created it, doesn't mean you need to keep it.

Really, it's okay to let stuff go.
Gifts, items you've out grown (on any level), the repetitive, the redundant, the 'sale' purchases that weren't really a bargain,
the items you've been storing for Justin Case.

Donating the unused, unneeded and unworn doesn't make your life smaller-
it opens up space for you to see and use the things that are important and have value.

Give yourself permission to surround yourself with the things you love,
the people you want to spend time with,
doing activities that speak to your whole hearted life.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Efficient laziness

It's true.  One of the reasons I like to be organized is
 it allows me to be lazy.

Spending extra time and energy looking for something takes effort.
Having to pick some thing up multiple times makes more work for me.
Writing a check, stuffing an envelope, then making sure I get the statement to the post office in time isn't nearly as easy as paying the bill on line.

Having simple systems for the mechanics of daily living gives me time to do the things I enjoy.
By making less work for myself, eliminating unnecessary and repetitive decisions,
and by narrowing my choices and options, things get easier. 

Living with clutter and disorganization sucks your energy and time.
Life is hard enough.
Do what you can to make it easier for yourself.

It's your choice.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Make an offer.

“In a world that has learned everything is about trading,
offering is how we experience the generosity of spirit.”

Agapi Stassinopoulos