Wednesday, September 25, 2013


as clutter.

Not only can there be physical clutter in our lives, there is mental and emotional as well.  (You're thinking, oh, great.)

Given that clutter is anything that gets in the way of you living the life you truly want, connecting with the people and things that are important to you; complaining certainly does get in the way.

Just as we sort through our other clutter to decide what to keep and what to let go of, taking the time to look at who or what we're complaining about gives us the opportunity to get some clarity about what exactly the problem might be.

What is it about the situation or person that annoys us?  Angers?  Frustrates?  Is it an ongoing whine on your part or a reaction to a new or unfamiliar circumstance?  
How much mental space is it taking up?  
How frequently do you go  over and over this same complaint?  

What if you let it go?
Or dealt with the underlying issue?
Or took one small action to resolve the situation?

Most clutter is the result of a deferred decision.
How much of what we complain about is caused by us not taking an action we are perfectly aware of, but would rather put off?

Try applying the Two minute Rule (If you can do something in two minutes or less, do it now) in circumstances where you find yourself getting ready to whine or complain.  
What could you do to change your attitude, your reaction, your response, your results?

Less time and mental energy spent complaining gives you more  opportunity  to engage in a heartfelt way in your life and relationships.

You have so much to be grateful for-whining really does seem beneath you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trust gravity

You don't need to pile clothes on the chair to keep it from floating up to the bedroom ceiling.
It isn't necessarily to leave this morning's (or last night's) dirty dishes on the kitchen counter to hold it down.
The carpet will stay in place even without the cds and books randomly stacked on it.

Hang up your clothes when you take them off.
Put the dishes in the dishwasher.
Shelve the books and cds in the bookcase where they belong.

Even though it feels as if there is a magnetic force field that attracts clutter once it starts,
that field is easily disrupted by some simple new habits and routines. 

Just as you can trust gravity to do its job,
trust yourself that you can maintain clutter free home.
One decision at a time.