Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Act now. Space is limited.

There's a limited amount of room in your closet,
under the bathroom sink,
in the kitchen cabinets,
on the pantry shelves,
in the file drawer.

Act now.
Choose an area that's bugging you.
  Remove everything from the space.
  Set aside the things that belong somewhere else in your home.
  Donate, recycle or toss the obvious.
  Sort like with like.

Then step away from the space for a moment or two.
Take a breath.

Decide which items deserve the prime real estate.
 What do you need access to most frequently?
 Put those items front and center.
Arrange the rest of the keepers in a way that makes sense to you.

Leave some breathing room.
  An empty shelf.  Space in the drawer.  A gap on the closet rod.

Space in your house really is limited.
Make sure that what you're keeping fits, has value to you,
and helps support the life you really want to live.

Choose less to have more.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What you value.

Secret of Adulthood:
Focus Not on Doing Less, or Doing More, but on Doing What You Value.
   Gretchen Rubin

How we spend our time and our money reflects who and what we value in our lives.

Look at your house, your schedule, your commitments, and how you feel at the end of a day.
Your results reflect your priorities.

By making conscious choices in what we purchase,
what hobbies and activities we engage in,
and who gets our love and attention;
our lives will be less cluttered (physically, mentally and emotionally)
and more heartfelt.

You get to choose.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Identify the problem.

Crammed closet.
Piles on the desk.
Cluttered kitchen counters.
Chaos under the bathroom sink.

Those aren't the real problems, those are the results of  problems.

The problem with the closet is too many clothes that don't fit,
are out of season or out of style, and a lack of organization.

The problem with the messy desk is no system for dealing with the mail,
piling instead of filing and random office items taking up valuable space.

The problem in the kitchen is no room in the pantry so things get left out,
dirty dishes that didn't make it into the dishwasher, papers, books and household items
that were never properly put away.

The problem under the sink is it's a wide deep cabinet,
too many multipacks and back up supplies, forgotten or never used
products or grooming aids.

Most problems are the result of:
Items not having a proper home.
No system or routine for dealing with things.
Trying to put too many things in too small of a space.

Once you see past the mess and understand what's causing the problem
solutions will become obvious and easy to implement.

Sort the closet.
  Purge what you don't wear, don't like, doesn't fit.
  Arrange like with like.

Deal with the mail on a regular basis.

Set up the pantry so you can see what you have;
  eat what's in there and buy supplies on an as needed basis.
Don't just set dirty dishes on the counter.
  Put them into the dishwasher.

Buy a small stacking shelf or drawer unit for bathroom cabinet
  and take advantage of the vertical space.
Store one back up product down there, not a multi pack's worth.
Let go of the hair dryer, curling iron, pedicure set you don't use.

Most solutions aren't complicated.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Memories, not stuff.

Point Reyes National Seashore, California.

Sun, wind, hiking, wildflowers, birding, ocean,
lagoons, ponds, history, elk, river otters, and miles
of sky......

Use your money to buy experiences, not stuff.
(this is my excuse for no post last week)