Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Be lazy.

"Organized people are just too lazy to look for things."
This quote made me laugh and rang totally true.

Being organized means I can be lazy.
And that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I don't have to spend my time looking for misplaced items or
shopping for duplicates or digging through piles.
By employing the adage "Work smarter, not harder",
I am able to make many of the mechanics of daily living  routine and habitual,
so they require minimum effort on my part.

In this case lazy doesn't mean I don't get things done or
I spend my time gazing out the window avoiding projects or responsibilities.
(Although I do enjoy the view outside my windows.)

It does mean I have more time to work on projects because
I know where my supplies are and I can easily access them, use them, and put them away when I've finished.

It means I have time to honor my responsibilities and relationships because I have made them, not my stuff, 
my priority.

True, it is going to take some non lazy effort to sort through your stuff, prioritize and then organize it.
Create homes, systems and habits to insure that the things you use, love and treasure are where you need them when you want them.

Then the laziness can begin in earnest!

Live the life you truly want.
Why would you do otherwise?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Admit it's over.

 "That was then. This is now" is one of the mantras I teach my clients.
(In my least bossy voice, of course)

One source of clutter comes from holding on to items connected to a life we no longer live.
(Or ever did for that matter)

Supplies for a hobby we stopped engaging in years ago.
Sports equipment from an activity we abandoned.
Clothes from a different body or life style.
Supplies for a Do It Yourself project that will never happen.

We want to believe that our lives, tastes 
and commitments haven't changed.
That we have the same bodies, abilities and interests we had two, five, or ten years ago.
What's true is that isn't the case.
If those hobbies and activities were important to us,
we would be making time and room in our current lives to do them.

Admit it's over.

Take an objective look at what's living in your closets, stacked on your shelves, or piled in the garage that no longer has use or meaning in your life. 

Get rid of the unused, excess, nagging, guilt inducing stuff.
If you're not quite ready to let go of things
(or is it what they represent that has the hold on you?),
set yourself a deadline. 

If you haven't pulled out the yarn, played tennis,
or refinished the chair by X date,
be willing to admit it and let the items go.
I invite you to take look at what you've been holding on to that no longer serves the life you want to be living now.
Admit that yes, you're done with that hobby, activity or project.
It's okay, really.

Give the supplies, equipment and clothes to people who will use them, right now, for the lives they are presently living.

Your letting go will create space in your house and life; physically, mentally and emotionally. 

You'll have more room for this life, the one you're engaged in right now.

Make that life a reflection of the people and activities that feed your soul and fill your heart.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Change your mind.

Choosing to live an uncluttered life starts with wanting to get rid of distractions. 
Once this desire is present, you begin to see your life from this new perspective. 
When your mindset has changed, your actions will follow.
What's distracting you?
What action could you take today, in the next five minutes,
that could move you forward to a less cluttered life?

Your life.
Your choices.