Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A little bit happier.

Just a small bit of happiness can make life better.

Instead of waiting for a big change,
a huge Aha moment,
a totally organized house,
your weight to be perfect,
more money in your savings account,
or the garden to be weed free.

Make one small change and let that be enough.

Organize one drawer.
Go for a ten minute walk instead of eating a cookie.
Skip the latte and toss the money into your 
Vacation Fund jar.
Weed the four feet closest to the front door.

Let yourself experience that little flash of joy that comes
when your small actions reflect your bigger values.

Little bites.
First steps.
Small changes.
It all adds up.

Every choice moves you toward 
or away 
from the life you want to be living.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

THE easiest storage solution.

Store it at the store.

Now that is a brilliant way to simplify your storage needs!

There is a balance between having what you use and need available to you, and not turning your home into a warehouse of items you bought 'on sale', or Justin Case, or because it came in a multi pack.

The best storage 'home' for some things is right on the shelf or the rack at the store.

Let them use their square footage so you don't need to waste any of yours.

Often what you  think you save, in money or time or convenience; you end up paying for in clutter, crammed closets and drawers, or forgotten about stock piles and caches.

The more you have on hand the more money you've spent,
the more storage places you need to create,
the more you need to keep track of,
the more you need to maintain.

Take advantage of the free, unlimited storage the store has available.
Choose less to have more........

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Not a competition

As you are going through the uncluttering process, remember that there isn’t a competition to see who can have the fewest things.
The purpose of uncluttering is to right-size your possessions and commitments so that you can focus on what matters to you most.

You get to choose how many is enough.
Make choices that reflect who and what you value,
and the life you want to live.