Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Not just Thursday.

Thursday is the traditional day that we take a moment and give thanks.
Blogs, Tweets, emails, media stories, and even conversations this past week are filled
with reminders to be grateful and act from gratitude.

Here's a radical thought.
Be grateful everyday.

Act thankful for your job,
your relationships,
your home,
your friends,
your family of origin and
your family of choice.

Recognizing the abundance that is 
already present in your life can keep you from
over buying,
over spending,
over compensating.

Say Thank You.
(Mean it)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Enough is enough.

Anything more than enough is clutter.

I couldn't possibly tell you how many pairs of jeans is enough for you.
Or how many pairs of scissors you need to have.
Or  how many bags of pasta you need in your pantry.

Everyone has different reasons and justification 
for why they purchase things,
why they hold on to items,
or what has sentimental value.

Chances are, if your home or life feels cluttered;
you have more than enough.
That realization is where change begins.

Contrary to the messages we hear: More isn't better.
More is just that.
More money spent.
More to keep track of.
More to store.
More to maintain.

Look around your house,
think about your life.
Decide how much is really enough.

Live your life and make your choices from that place.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You won't miss them.

Look around.
What could you grab right now and recycle, donate or toss that you wouldn't even miss?

One ugly item from your closet?
Two of the six wooden spoons in the kitchen crock?
The three month old magazine still in its shrink wrap?
Four dvds that you didn't like the first time you watched them?
Five of the mugs crowding the shelf?
Six of the short, erase-less pencils crammed in the cup on the desk?
Seven of the pens in there with them?

You get the idea.

People think that they have to devote hours to decluttering
in order to make a difference in their situation.
Ha!  Not true.

There are lots of quick "little bites" you can take that
will have an impact.
And get you thinking about How Many is Enough?

Having less clutter is an ongoing process.
Learning to look at what you have and why,
and making choices every day about what is important,
what you want to keep and what you're willing to let go of.

If what you want really is a simpler life-
what choices can you make right now
to support that vision?