Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Putting things away when you're finished with them is key to eliminating clutter.

However, before you toss a dried up pen back in the drawer,
put a chipped cup back on the shelf,
hang up a shirt that's a tiny bit too tight,
or make room for another book on an already crowded shelf;
ask yourself, “Is it worth keeping?” 

Take a moment to stop and consider if you really need
or want to keep the item.
If you don't, then let it go. (You know-recycle, donate, toss.)

No matter the size of your home, your space is limited.
Don’t waste space storing things that don’t support the life you want to be living.

Oh, and let's not forget the mental or emotional items we're keeping.
Is it helpful to hold onto that grudge or resentment, anger or fear?
Would letting go of those stories and memories make space in your head and heart?

It’s your decision what you need and want in the life you're living right now.

Thoughtful decisions about your home and relationships reflect what you care about and value.

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