Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Don't Let Comparison Steal your Contentment         
                                                                                                                                          Kelly Oribine

How much time each day do we waste in comparing and judging?
Our life to our friend's life.
Our home to those on TV
Our bodies to photos in magazines.
Our worth to our accomplishments.

How often does the score seem to be us 4 them 10?

What if we could lay down the measuring stick, unweight the scale, and declare the contest over for lack of interest and participation?

Really, we all have enough and are enough.
We just need to remind ourselves.
We need to pause in those moments of contentment and be grateful.

Everyone has challenges, whether we see their struggles or not.
TV and magazines are entertainment, rarely reality.
Our fundamental goodness has nothing to do with our doingness.

Judging and comparing are mental clutter. 
Let them go.
(It will take practice; just like making your bed everyday or sorting the mail or always putting your keys in the same place)

You decide.

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