Thursday, February 7, 2019

Store it at the store

Let the store store it.
They have way more room than you do,
far more sophisticated inventory control and plenty of staff to manage it.

When the need arises, go to the store and buy the item you need.

No point in spending your money to buy and store things you aren't using.

If you buy multiples, you need to create storage spaces for them.
If you buy things 'just in case', invisible Justin Case is using your home to store his things.
If it's 'on sale' but you don't need or use it, you didn't save money: You spent money unnecessarily.

Let the store be the store and let your house be home.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

One action.

What is one thing you could do right now,
in two minutes or less,
to address one cluttered place in your home?

Hang up a few clothes?
Load some items into the dishwasher?
Clear off the coffee table?
Recycle the pile of junk mail?

Instead of thinking "I don't have time to deal with all of this",
deal with one little piece of it.
Just start somewhere,
with one small action.

The piles and clutter accumulated one piece at a time.
You can take care of them in the same way.

If you really want your home to look, feel and function
more easily:
Devote two minutes of time,
right now,
to one place.

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Did you say Thank You?

Anxious letting something go because "It was a gift."?

How thoughtful of your spouse, friend, parent,
child, sibling,  or co worker to think of you.
And your total obligation to that thoughtfulness is to say "Thank You."

You don't have to
wear the item,
eat the item,
use the item,
display the item,
or keep it.

You get to decide what lives in your house.
What you want to wear, eat, spend time using,
or have on display.
It's your house, remember?

If the giver notices or comments about your use
or lack of, or where the gift is:
That's really about them-their neediness,
their taste and their sense of what's important,
beautiful or useful.

Would you want a gift you gave to become clutter
in someone else life or home?
(I think not)

"Thank you" is enough.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Start small

Sure your closet is chaos.
The garage has a tiny path.
The pile of papers on your desk is precarious.
You know you have a dining room table-it's holding up the piles.

If it all seems daunting and a wee bit overwhelming,
narrow your focus.
Start with the floor in the closet,
the area just inside the door to the garage,
the left side of the desk.

Set a timer for ten minutes.
Sort, toss, pile like with like.
Stop after ten minutes.
See the difference.
There will be a difference!

Allow the progress to inspire you.

All this clutter didn't appear in ten minutes,
it will take more than ten minutes to get the situation under control.
But, starting small and devoting time and energy to the situation
will change the look, feel and function of an area.

You can do this.
Change is possible.
Just start.