Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Not why? What.

Forget about asking why things are disorganized or cluttered.
The why answers usually lead backwards 
(and you're not going that way),
or they involve  opportunities to beat yourself up about your past behaviors.
(Put down that stick)

Instead ask what?
What are the results I'm looking to achieve?
What can I do differently so the mail doesn't pile up?
The clothes get put away?
The dishes end up in the dishwasher?

What questions give you a chance to think in terms of actions and results.
You are still taking responsibility for making changes and
initiating different behaviors,
but you are doing it from a place of looking ahead and moving forward.

As they say, "There is a reason windshields are larger than rear view mirrors."

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What we do

It is what we do,
not what we own,
that makes life memorable.

Spending time with friends.
Savoring time for ourselves.
Making relationships a priority.
Taking time out to play.
Being absorbed in a good book.
Appreciating a work of art, or a piece of music.

Choose to do things that warm your heart.
Spend time with the people who matter to you.
Trying owning less and see if your life is richer.........

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

What's the benefit?

Often what keeps us stuck or procrastinating is
our focus is on how hard something is going to be,
or why we don't want to do it.  (Whine, whine)

Instead, try focusing on the benefits of doing the work.

What opportunities might be created?
Remember why you wanted to take on the project.
Remind yourself of the changes your actions will produce.

Procrastination and stalling take energy.
Why not put that effort into achieving the goal?

Weigh the long term benefits against the short time needed to do the actual work.
If you switch your focus from the mechanics of the doingness part,
to the positive outcome and changes having done the work will create; you can change how you feel.

Place your attention where you want your results to be.
Inviting a shift in perspective makes it easier to get things done.

What are the benefits of a less cluttered life?

Make that your focus.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

What's the use?

Everything has a use and a purpose.

Hobby supplies are meant to create things.
Clothes are meant to cover our bodies.
Dishes are for dining.
Pots and pans for cooking.
Sports equipment gets you out and moving.
Books are meant to be read.
(I think you know where this is going.......)

If you're not knitting a sweater,
wearing the pants,
drinking from the mug,
baking a souffle,
using your tennis racket,
reading or rereading that novel:
Let it go.
Let the stuff serve its purpose.

Quit wasting the stuff's potential and usefulness
while you wait around to find the time,
lose the ten pounds, or
keep it for Justin Case.

Clearing out your excess, unused, under valued and unloved stuff will create more room for you to find and 
live your purpose. 
And I'm willing to bet your purpose has more to do with people and relationships than it does to things.