Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Spending or investing?

This was in my email In Box today and I thought it was too good not to share:
Here's a question for you to ponder: do you spend your money or do you invest it? Do you spend your time in various activities or do you invest it? How about your energy and physical abilities: spend or invest? The difference in these two words can make a big difference in the results you are enjoying in your life.

For my word-buddies, here are some synonyms for invest: devote, provide, advance, supply, entrust.
And here they are for spend: give, pay out, expend, deplete, waste, cast away.

What are you thinking every time you purchase something? Do you think you are giving the money away, depleting your bank account, and wasting or casting away the funds you have in your possession?

What about changing that to devoting, supplying, and entrusting your money to the provider you are handing it to?
This simple word change makes an enormous difference in the attitude we have towards our money, energy, time, and work. 

Changing our attitude, of course, changes the results. This week when you use money, time, or energy, mentally change your thinking to the idea that you are investing your time, investing your money, investing your energy - and, yes, you expect a return on your investment!
 Krysta Gibson

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


What space in your home annoys you?
Which area bugs you every time you have to deal with something there?
Where do you avoid because it's just too much to even think about?

Too many shoes in the bottom of the closet?
No room to put things under the sink?
Piles of papers, bills, receipts, and to do lists on the desk?

This week identify one place in your home that you've been avoiding and pay some attention to it.

Decide what would make it helpful instead of hopeless.
What really belongs in the space?  
What has just ended up there?
How could you make the space useful?
What would you be only too happy to get out of your life?


Clear it.
Clean it.
Use it.

Make space for a life you love.