Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

But first.

Before you jump right into 'getting organized',
admirable goal that it is,
you need to first get rid of the clutter.

Chances are if an area is disorganized
it contains too much stuff.
Stuff you don't need, use or value.

There is no point is spending time finding homes for things,
(which is one of the main tenets of of being organized),
if those are things are unnecessary, redundant or
merely evidence of the life you used to lead.

Take the time to sort the area first.
Move things that live somewhere else in your house.
Donate things that others might be able to use.
Make good use of your recycle and trash containers.

Once you're pared things down to how many is enough,
when all that remains are things you need to have accessible in that space,
when all the like with like are grouped together-
then you can easily organize the area to support you.

Get rid of the excess, then you can create a truly organized space.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Close the circle

Our clutter is often the result of us failing to close the circle.
A lack of an ending to a action or project.

We get the beginning part done by bringing in the mail.
We may even sort through it.
But we fail to pay the bills on time.

We do a load of laundry.
Dry, fold and stack it on the chair in the bedroom.
But never put in in the drawers.

We dine and carry our dish to the kitchen.
But somehow get distracted before we put it into the dishwasher.

By paying the bills, putting away the laundry and running the dishwasher we close the circle.
We eliminate the clutter that incomplete projects produce.

Consider where in your life where you may be leaving projects and actions unfinished.
Consciously decide to close the circle.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


If not today, then when?

When we lose ten pounds.
When we get a different job.
When we have more time.
When we have more money.
When we have more energy.
When pigs fly......

How many days, months, years have you been 'whening'?
What one teeny tiny step could you take today
that would move you toward what it is you say you want?
What small but meaningful behavior are you willing to change today to make tomorrow different?

And honestly, if you're not willing to take one small step,
make one small change,
then nothing will ever change.

In a week ,
a month,
a year
you'll still be waiting....

Act now.
Your time is limited.