Thursday, October 29, 2015

An alternative to When/Then.

How often do you think When ______ happens,
Then I will do ___________?

Somehow we think there will be more time tomorrow,
or that waiting to begin on a Monday will be better,
or having new equipment 
or supplies will make the project perfect,
or that you'll have more energy later,
or an number of reasons (excuses) to put off starting.

Start today.
Start now.

Don't wait until you have three free hours to tackle your closet.
Begin today by just pulling out all the empty hangers.
Putting all the known ugly, don't fit, won't wear, out of style, what were you thinking clothes in a bag for donation. 

Don't wait until life is calmer to revisit your meditation practice.
Sitting for five minutes today will make a difference.

Forget about starting a new diet on Monday.
Go for a ten minute walk at lunch today.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Ignore the pile of mail on the table.
Start with what came today:
Recycle the junk mail, note the due date on the bills,
set aside the items you want to read.

Tomorrow has the same 24 hours as today.
If you're motivated enough to consider change;
act on that change right now.

Taking a small step today has greater impact
than never taking the big step tomorrow.

Act now.
Your time and space are limited.
Choose to act today to create the life you really want.

Stop waiting.
Start doing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tonight, take five.

This evening set aside five minutes, use the timer on your phone if necessary,and straighten up one room.
We're not talking a thorough cleaning, we're talking getting rid of the trash and recycle, picking up the books or clothes, putting things away that have been left out,
loading the dishwasher, folding the clean laundry on the chair, dealing with the day's mail,
whatever decluttering you can get done in one room in five minutes.

As you have experienced with the Two Minute Rule (If you can do it in two minutes or less, do it now)
you can get an amazing amount done in just a few minutes.
And it saves you from having to go back later to complete tasks.

Working for just five minutes you'll see the evidence of which tasks you fail to follow through on.
Dirty dishes left behind?  Piles of papers?   A trail of dropped clothes?  Incomplete projects?
Small amounts of time and little changes in routines can have a longterm effect on how your space looks, feels and functions.

Spend five minutes this evening and get up to a less cluttered space tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wild and precious.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?  Mary Oliver

Make memories or buy stuff?
Have experiences or collect things?
Accumulate on line friends
  or nuture your in person relationships?
Aquire clutter or create space?

Make choices that support a heartfelt life.......