There are serious wild fires burning all over the the West.
Dry conditions, challenging terrain, shifting winds,
and crews stretched thin
mean that people are being evacuated quickly and sometimes with very little time to prepare.
If it were you, your house, your belongings, the evidence of your life-what would you grab?
Once you had gathered family, pets, important papers and your phone and computer, what else?
Obviously, there is no right or wrong answer to this question.
What is important and meaningful is different for everyone of us.
What we cherish, what we couldn't replace, what would we want or need surrounding us to make us feel at home and safe is as individual as we are.
We think this will never happen to us.
And hopefully it never will.
But that doesn't mean it might not be a good exercise
to consider the question....
My thoughts go to the victims of these fires
as well as the dedicated crews and support people
trying to manage these situations.
It is hard for everyone involved.
May they each have moments of grace.
This does present a great opportunity for me to remind people to spend a few minutes and
create an Emergency File.
(Paper if that works for you, digital if you're more comfortable with that)
Consider keeping this information either in a fire proof safe in your home, in your bank safe deposit box, or the Cloud.
Have your account numbers, policy numbers, passwords and id information, a list or video of your valuables,
as well as other important documents
you might need in the event of even a partial loss.
I hope you will never need to access this file.