Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Simple and clever organizing tricks.

I love it when I see ideas for organizing that aren't  just prettifying but are clever and functional.
And ideas that reuse or repurpose items people already own
I find especially helpful.
Looking good is an added bonus.

Lynette Thomas, friend and amazing real estate professional, recently posted this link to several great organizing tips.
Some may be familiar to you and some may be things you could scurry right off and take care of today.

Make the mechanics of daily living easier.
Create homes where items are used,
Store things in accessible places, and
Establish easy systems and simple tricks
to reduce and  eliminate clutter.

Rip off these ideas or come up with some of your own.
Choose and create ways to make your life as simple
and easy as possible.

(Thanks to Sally for sharing Lynette's post)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Keep it close.

One way to avoid creating clutter is:
Have what you need near where you use it.

Sort the mail over the recycle bin.
Keep your sheets in the bedroom.
Store the stamps in the same place as the envelopes.
Charge your phone where you lay it down when you get home.
Stash a supply of clean empty bags in the bottom of each trash can.
Have a donation bag in your closet so you as soon as you decide it isn't 'you', it can be on its way.

Eliminating steps; both physically and literally, 
simplifies your life.

Life is complicated enough.
Keep the mechanics of daily living as simple and routine as possible.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The math of donating.

Donating is more than just the math of subtracting something from your home that you not longer need, use, love or value.  (Or that you've been keeping for Justin Case)

There is the math of subtracting the value of your donation from your taxes.

There is the plus of the jobs your donations help create at the organization your donation supports.

There is the plus of the money your donation generates when the items sell.

There is the plus of meeting the need of the person buying your item who will use, love and value it.

Do the math.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Beat the clock.

Two Minute Rule:  
If you can do it in two minutes or less, do it now.

Not on the counter, into the dishwasher.
Don't put it down, put it away.
Make the phone call.
Pay the bill.
Hang it up.
Recycle it.

Don't think, 'I'll do it later'.  You won't.
Avoid touching things multiple times.
Quit piling, stacking, ignoring.

Thirty seconds now eliminates clutter in the future.