Thursday, September 25, 2014

Take it back.

Sponsored by the DEA, this Saturday, September 27th, is National Take Back Day.

Designed to provide a safe way for people to dispose of unwanted prescription drugs,
local collection sites can be located through this DEA link.

The page also provides information about proper disposal of other medicines.

As they say, cold and flu season are fast approaching.
This would be the perfect time to go through your medicine cabinet; check expiration dates, collect half full pill bottles, and clear out the unnecessary  and redundant.

Here's to a Happy Healthy Fall for all of us.
And a little more room in the bathroom cabinet!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Get a visual.

You know how I like to go on and on about putting like with like?

This week I'd like to suggest (which is kind of like nagging but nicer)
you have some of that fun in your clothes closet.

We're not talking a giant purge/sort here, I'm merely offering you the opportunity to get a visual of what you have in there.
If you happen to let some items go (cheap hangers, wrong sizes, ugly color, bad gift, worn out, what were you thinking) that will just be a bonus.

What I'd like you to do is move pieces around so that  like items are all hanging together.
All the short sleeve shirts together.
All your long sleeve shirts in one group.
All your long pants side by side.
All the suits lined up as a section.
You get the drift.

What sections you have will depend on the different types of clothing
you have hanging in your closet.
Within the groups hang like colors next to one another.
I know, it seems a bit OCD, but trust me, we're going for a visual here.

The purpose of this little exercise is to show you, literally,
how many of which kinds of clothing you own.
How many pairs of black jeans.
How many white shirts.
How many long sleeve tee shirts.
How many SWAG polo shirts....

Now the options of what you can do with this information.

You could stop right here in the process.
The benefit would be now when you're getting dressed 
you can easily see what you have of each category without digging, rummaging, guessing.

Or you could make some decisions about how many is enough.
Which of the clothes do you really wear?
Or what looks fabulous on you?
Which items are a reflection of the life you live now?
And what clothes does your current job require?

This visual will also give you valuable information about the kind and types of clothes that you frequently buy.
Which colors do you gravitate towards?
What style dominates?
Which are your 'go to' choices?
If you're up to it, do some weeding out, tossing, donating
and saying good by.

That's valuable real estate in there, make the best use of it.

Getting a visual of what you own, how many you have,
and keeping like with like simplifies your life.
Whether it's in your clothes closet, your pantry or
office supplies.

See your way to a less cluttered life.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Don't think about it.

"Habits allow us to put a behavior on automatic, 
so we don’t have to think about it or 
make decisions related to it anymore. 
In this way, habits can free us from the things we don’t want to think about." Gretchen Rubin

Always put your keys in the same place.
Deal with the mail every day.
Pay your bills on Monday evening.
Don't put things down, put them away.
Fold the laundry when it comes out of the dryer.
Hang up your clothes, don't toss them on the chair.
Ask for what you need.
Be grateful for what you have.

Small simple actions become routine
and the routine becomes a habit.

Let the habits of decluttering
give you less to think about.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Decide what's important.

And ditch the rest.

Decide which clothes you really wear and you feel fabulous wearing.
Give the rest away.

Decide which hobbies you love.
Let go of the supplies and equipment for all the others.

Decide which letters, artwork, gifts and 
memorabilia truly are sentimental.
Be willing to say good bye to the items that aren't.

Decide which relationships are good for 
your head and heart.
Spend your time nurturing those.

Letting go can be a challenge.
Don't let 'I should' and 'what if' keep you 
stuck in clutter and disorganization.

You're the adult.
Make conscious choices that support 
the life you really want to be living.