Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thinking vs reality.

You think you wear all the clothes in your closet,
but what's true is you wear about 50% of them.

You think you know what's in all the piles on your desk;
but what's true is you've missed paying bills, lost checks,
and misplaced important papers.

You think you're going to rewatch all those dvds on the shelf;
but what's true is there are always new movies available,
and you didn't even enjoy some of them the first time around.

You think you have the time to finish all those projects you have the materials for;
but what's true is that hobby no longer interests you or you no longer need or want
the object you were planning to create.

Clutter can be the result of the difference in 
what we think we do,
and how we really live our lives.

Take a serious look at what's hanging in your closet.
Let go of what you don't wear.

Sort through the paper piles.
Switch to a vertical system of folders, 
keeping like items together.

Cull your dvd collection.
Consider switching to renting or streaming movies.

Let go of the supplies and projects that no longer interest you.
Make some space in your closet, on your shelves, in the garage.

Create the clutter free reality that supports the life
you want to be living now.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Photo proof of my excuse for not posting last week.

One reason I choose a simple, uncluttered life is to be able to have time and space for relationships.

Last week at a State Park in Eastern Washington my siblings and their kids (and their kids kids)
met for our  biennial Family Reunion. 

Months in the planning and organizing, with lists and crossing out;
making it all happen was fun as well as challenging.
We ate, laughed, swam, played games, did arts and crafts, played water balloon volleyball,
talked until the wee hours, and ate some more!

But mostly what we did was had experiences, made memories, connected with each other and
left on Sunday a tiny bit richer in our hearts than when we arrived on Wednesday. 

I will admit families can be challenging.
There were moments when I had to bite my tongue.
But, when I'm old (not there yet!)
and I look back on my life,
I believe it will be the experiences I'll treasure and not the stuff.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

That was then.

This is now.
Now is where we live.

One cause of clutter, one challenge of letting go of things,
is that we often forget the difference between then and now.
Many of our belongings and habits are left from a time when we had other interests, priorities, relationships, jobs and hobbies.
Sometimes we miss those activities and the people,
or we imagine that somehow we will find the time to resume that lifestyle again.

We think that holding onto the stuff somehow keeps then a part of our now.
Mostly it just clutters up our lives and homes, and can keep us looking back; when we really need to be looking forward. 

Pausing to consider this life now; where you spend your energy, time, money and commitments will help you let go of things from then.

Letting go of reminders, evidence, supplies and equipment from our then self can be challenging.
Yet, choosing to live in the now, surrounded by the items and people that best support our current lives and dreams, frees up space; literally, mentally and emotionally.

That was then.
This is now.
Choose to be present.