Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"Outer order contributes to inner calm."  Gretchen Rubin

When we're surrounded by piles and stacks, mess or clutter,
it can add to our stress and feelings of being overwhelmed and out of control.

By taking even five minutes to put things away, 
deal with the mail,
hang up some clothes, or empty the sink, 
we give ourselves more room.

Putting our attention and effort into physical movement demonstrates to our inner self that we can control parts of our lives and 
make small changes that have impact.

Creating order on the physical level of our lives can help to calm the agitation that is often present on the inside.

The next time you're feeling stressed, look around;
consider the role your physical environment is having
on your inner dialogue.

See if by creating a bit of outside order 
you are able to calm a bit on the inside.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Got Drugs?

If your medicine cabinet is cluttered with expired, unused, or outdated prescriptions:

Saturday, April 26th, is National Prescription Take-Back Day.

Want to find a location near you?  Click here.

Need more information about proper medicine disposal?  Click here.

Chances are, you'll be out and about on Saturday anyway,
so take advantage of the opportunity to properly dispose of your medicine clutter.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A math Story Problem. (No trains leave the station....)

When is a plus really a minus?

In other words: When does adding something actually take away something?

When we add things we get more.
And we've been conditioned to think that more is better.             

If we take something away, 
 we often assume things have been diminished.

However, in the case of the things we bring into our home,
 the activities we add to our calendar,
 the duties we assume out of obligation:
Adding more rarely makes our life better.
In fact, more often adds to our clutter, stress and feelings
 of being overwhelmed, and life being out of control.

Subtracting items from our home that we no longer
 use, need or love, adds space and ease to our lives.
Eliminating activities that drain us gives us time to spend
  doing things we love with people we care about.
Carefully selecting our obligations makes the best use 
 of our time and talents.

The next time you are tempted to add a thing,
an activity, or a commitment to your home, life or schedule-
Do the math.
Is it a plus?
Or will it really end up as a minus?

It is your story to write.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cheap is, and isn't.

There is more to the price of something than the amount on the price tag.

Even if something is inexpensive doesn't necessarily make it a bargain.

Spending money on something that is poorly made, easily broken , quickly worn out, or doesn't do the job well
wastes not only the money we paid, but our time as well.

Having fewer things of better quality makes the best use of our money, and saves us time and frustration.

There are costs in every purchase we make.
Try being more mindful of the the story of how that cheap thing became available.
Do the math to figure out your cost per usage.
Consider what will happen to the product when it no longer is functional.
(There really is no 'away' when you throw something away.  It goes somewhere......)

Spend a little more now to end up spending less later.

Own things of quality that work well, look good and last.
The next time you're tempted because something "only costs________"consider the real price you are paying.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Act Now! Space is limited.

It's true.
Your space is limited.
You only have so many drawers,
a limited amount of closet space,
and a finite number of cabinets.

Act now to:
Sort a closet.
Un-stuff a drawer.
Clear off a shelf.
Purge under a sink.

More is rarely better.
It is usually just the same thing over and over.
And repetition often creates clutter.

By setting limits on how much or how many,
we keep control over how our spaces look, feel and function.
As well as better mange our time, money and resources.

Act now and make the best use of the space you have.
(Oh, and leave a bit of empty space-you'll breathe easier.  Truly)