Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Starting and going.

Motivation gets you started.
Habits keep you going.

Face it, there are certain mechanics of daily living that need to be done on a regular basis or life becomes chaotic, messy and overwhelming.
Bills need to be paid, laundry needs to be done, the floors need sweeping.

Decide for yourself how often these items need your attention and create some habits to address them.

Make Monday evening your time to sit down and pay your bills for that week.
Do a load of laundry every morning while  you're in the shower.
Grab the broom and sweep while the pasta water heats for dinner.

We often spend more time avoiding and dreading a task than it takes to complete it!

The thing about habits is you do them without much thought (which can be the good news/bad news).
Consciously scheduling time into your week to take care of chores frees up time and energy.
Come Friday you don't have to worry or wonder  if you paid the bills, or if you have any clean socks, or if the dust bunnies have taken over the living room.

This week get motivated to make one new habit.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A house with four rooms.

“There is an Indian proverb or axiom that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.”     Rumer Godden

Because our physical space is the one we're most aware of, we are  most conscious of the clutter in that room.

Take time this week to peek into the other rooms and see if you can do a bit of decluttering in them.

Is your mental room stuffed with To Do's you forget to do?
Write them down.
Is your emotional room cluttered with past hurts, grievances, anger or fears?
See if you could do a bit of forgiving, of others and most importantly-of  yourself.
Does your spiritual space have ideas laying about that no longer resonate with who you are now? Are there voices and stories that someone gave  a younger you that now weigh heavy on your heart?
Spend a few moments in silent reflection, connect to Spirit-however you define that experience.

Not all the 'stuff' is our lives is visible.
Do a little house tour and take the time to declutter each of the rooms.
Open up to all that's possible and relax your spacious new home.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Available transportation

"Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith."  Margaret Shepard

We don't always know how we're going to get from Here to There.
Knowing we want things to change doesn't necessarily mean we know how to make it so.
Often many of us are waiting for conditions to be different/perfect before we're willing to commit and change our actions.

What's true is we never know what is going to happen or how things may turn out.
We can't guarantee outcomes or know that we've made the absolute best choice.

What we do know is that a change in outcome is a result of  a change in behavior.

The trick is to go ahead and take a tiny step forward.  (Which may feel like a leap!)

Small changes and  little leaps can move us great distances.......

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Look how far you've come. Wow!

Take a step back and give yourself some applause and credit for how far you've come.  

We are often so busy looking ahead, focusing on what isn't done, what we haven't perfected, how much more there is to do, that we forget to acknowledge all we have already accomplished.

I'm not just talking about getting your life less cluttered and more organized...

Change is challenging.  Whether it is putting your keys in the same place every day, learning to say No, or passing on the second cookie, but you've done it!  Once choice at a time.  

Remind yourself that it is a process and a journey, not a race to a destination. 
Every time you put your dirty dish into the dishwasher, every time you hang up your coat instead of tossing it on the chair, every time you make space and time for what has meaning in your life; your actions reinforce the choices that create change.

Trust me, you're doing a great job.  Your life looks and feels differently than it did before you committed to pay attention in new ways to old situations.

Sometimes it is perfectly okay to look back-just to see how far you've come!

I applaud you.