Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Simple Math.

This week presents the perfect opportunity to practice the ‘One in. One out’ suggestion.  (Suggestion sounds so much nicer than rule!)

With the gifts unwrapped and in need of homes in your house, now is the time to decide what stays and what goes.
Remember that five of one thing isn’t five times better, it’s usually just a case of repetition and duplication.

When trying to decide which gifts stay, remember that your only obligation as the receiver is a sincere thank you, for the giver’s thoughtfulness in remembering you. 
You don't have to wear it, display it, eat it, add it to your collection, or make space for it in your house and life.

Cluttering your home with items you are keeping out of obligation or guilt prevents you from having space for the things you really use, love and value.
The longer an item stays in your home, the more challenging it is to let it go.  For some reason the longer it stays the more obligated to it you feel.  Even if you’ve never liked it!  So let it go now.

You may have received some wonderful things you can't wait to add you to your home and life.  In that case, remember you still need to let go items those gifts are replacing.

Consider  One in, One out with regard to decorations, ornaments, wrapping supplies and other items associated with the Holiday.  Gently ask yourself, “How many is enough?”  “Which of these still has sentimental value?”  “Will I ever hang,  display or use this again?”  “Has my collection become a burden, not a joy?”

And actually, you might even find yourself letting go of two or three things for everyone you keep!  Give yourself a head start on the gift of a simpler, less cluttered and more meaningful Holiday Season next year.

Letting go opens up space in your home, your life and your heart.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


No, not the kind in a box or gift bag.
The be here now kind.

The being present with the person right in front of you.
The being present with all the memories, feelings and emotions that the Holidays bring to mind for you.
The being present with what you’re engaged in now:  The wrapping, the cookie tasting, the decorating, the planning, the music, the smells, the lights, this very minute.

The Honor of your Presence is requested in the present.

Slow down.
Pay attention.

Give yourself the gift of connecting.
To your experience, your relationships, your own sense of who you most truly, deeply are.

Your presence is a light in the world.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Perfect Holiday

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”  Voltaire

The tree,
the house decorations,
the gift for your mother-in-law,
your contribution to the pot luck,
the hostess gift,
your child’s behavior,
the Christmas letter,
______________fill in the blank.

Often we wait to do something until we can do or be it perfectly, and we never take action.
We have expectations of ourselves or others that can rarely be met, are unreasonable and unnecessary.

This time of year it is especially important to not get caught in the trap of trying to create the perfect Holiday.
Having to find the perfect gift, wanting each gift to be wrapped perfectly, hoping your contribution to the pot luck will be fabulous, baking each cookie to perfection, hanging every ornament in your collection, or expecting family and friends to accommodate your schedule and expectations.

This Season be happy with Good.

Let go of your expectations and feel your contentment and joy rise.
See the Good-ness in others.
Feel the Good-ness in yourself.

"Beauty is the shadow of imperfection.  Simon Van Booy

Be Beautiful.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ditch the box.

Forget the gift in the box this year.
Give them an experience instead.

People will remember them.
They build stronger relationships.
They are fun and often funny.
They get you out of the house, off the device and into the world around you.
They can support the Arts, artists, local businesses, good and worthy causes.
They extend the Season into the New Year.
They don't contribute 'stuff' to other people's houses.

(When was the last time you did something for the first time?)

Need some ideas?

Give a gift that creates time to be together.
Give presence this year.....

Be Merry and Bright!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's Hard.

"It is hard, so terribly hard, to please yourself.  Far from being the easy thing that it sounds like, it is almost the hardest thing in the world, because we are not always comfortable with that true self that lies deep with in us."  Christopher Alexander

As the pace of the  Holiday season quickens and you feel yourself doing many shoulds, have tos, obligations or guilt induced activities; pause.
Ask yourself what’s seasonal clutter?
What parts of the festivities do you truly enjoy?
Who do you want to make time to be with?
What activity, celebration, ritual really fills you with joy and wonder?

There is no correct answer for everyone.
Just the answers that resonate with you.
Ignore the din of voices in your head:  The  consumer media messages, the Perfect Family script, the whisper of messy craft projects, the rumbling of finding the perfect gift-for everyone.

Take a moment and consider what would really really please you this December? 
Yes, that first thought that popped into your head.
Only you know what’s really true for you.

Go ahead, please yourself.
Everything else is just clutter.
No apologies, explanations, justifications.

Hold sacred space in your life for your truest self.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Grateful actions.

Be grateful.

Say thank you.
Give praise.
Be generous.
Respond with kindness.
Let someone else win.
Just listen.
Bite your tongue. (if necessary)
Look for the humor.

Believe you have enough.

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A new kind of Gift Exchange

It’s that time of year when family, friends, or co workers decide to arrange for this year’s Holiday Gift Exchange.  (I hear some of you groaning)

Last year friends of mine at Martingale  participated in an exchange that proved to be fun for the staff and provide toys to less fortunate kids.
(And didn’t end up creating more ‘stuff’ in everyone’s office or  home)

Co workers names were exchanged. The participants  then bought a toy or a game for the person that they thought reflected their personality/interests/idea of fun. 
The gifts were wrapped, tagged and exchanged during the Staff Holiday Luncheon.
People laughed, a lot. They got to be kids again, delighting in opening up toys and games.  People reminisced about playing with certain toys as kids.  People were charmed and delighted by how their co workers gifts reflected their interests and quirks.  Did I mention they laughed?

After the presents were all unwrapped, the toys were donated to a charitable organization that distributed the gifts to kids. 

I loved hearing about this idea.
(Almost makes me wish I worked in an office!)
I thought it captured many of the best parts of gift giving:  Imagination, fun, knowledge of the recipient, anticipation of their reaction, and being generous.
And the gifts got to be unwrapped and delighted over twice!  How fun is that?

Choose to make gift giving fun.